Biomolecular Scattering Length Density Calculator


Type of biomolecule :
Protein / Peptide

Primary structure:


      1. Solution D2O% * 1

      2. Deuteration % * 2   

      3. Exchange % * 3      

      4. Concentration of sample (mg/mL)

* 1 Default is 100% D2O - assumes scattering is taking place in 100% D2O
* 2  This value is the percentage deuteration of the non-labile hydrogens covalently bonded to carbon atoms.
* 3  This is the percentage of labile hydrogens (bonded either to the side chains or amide backbone) that can exchange with the solution - please refer to the manual for a full description. For example, if we have 100% exchange in a 100% D2O solution, all labile hydrogens will be deuterium. If we have 100% exchange in a 50% H2O : D2O solution, 50% of the labile hydrogens would be deuterium.
The exchange box is set to a default of 90% labile hydrogen exchange, this is an estimate for proteins.
* 4   This allows an estimate of the intensity of theoretical scattering at zero angle I(0) to be determined.

The Protein Scattering length density calculator licence
The Protein Scattering length density calculator manual
If you have any comments / questions please email either Dr Daniel Myatt or Dr Luke Clifton
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