Protein Scattering Length Density Calculator v1.0

Terms and Conditions of Use

1) The Protein neutron scattering length density calculator (SLD) program is designed to determine a number of physical properties, including: molecular weight, molecular volume, neutron scattering length and neutron scattering length density in different H2O : D2O, protein deuteration and protein exchange conditions from a given protein sequence. This may help in your planning of a neutron-based experiment.

2) The Protein neutron scattering length density calculator (SLD) program is freely available to academic or other non-profit organisations. The Protein neutron scattering length density calculator (SLD) program is not for commercial use. If you would like to use "The Protein neutron scattering length density calculator (SLD) " for commercial purposes please contact "The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) ".

3) The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) accept no responsibility for the performance of "The Protein neutron scattering length density calculator (SLD)" program or the results obtained. Please refer to the manual for correct usage of the program.

4) Please cite the following paper for any publications resulting from use of the software:


5) The Copyright of "The Protein neutron scattering length density calculator (SLD) " program is held by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC).

6) For further details please contact: Luke Clifton or Daniel Myatt