The following web-based applications are available for the planning and analysis of small angle scattering (SAS) experiments:-
1) BSLDC - (The Biomolecular neutron scattering length density calculator) - which determines the "match points" of biomolecules, specifically peptide / protein, DNA and RNA, in D2O : H2O mixtures or with increasing levels of deuteration. The calculator also provides a number of other parameters, including chemical composition, molecular weight (Mw), estimated volume (as a sum of the components) and an estimate of the forward (also called zero angle) intensity (I(0)) of the biomolecule. For more information please refer to the manual .
Figure 1 - Left - SAS data loaded into the Guinier web-tool displayed in Log (I) - q format. / Centre - The data plotted
as a Guinier plot (ln I - q2). / Right - An example "dummy atom model" for monomeric green fluorescent protein aligned and overlaid
onto the crystal structure (Pdb: 1EMA), created using the Dammif software from the ATSAS suite of programs. Also shown are the 10 Dammif models generated
, which were averaged to give the final model.